Oops! I’m sitting here, only just realising I’ve not posted
in a long time.
Now, I did warn you at the start of the year this would happen.
But I apologise nonetheless, as I didn’t mean to leave it quite so long.
So, what has this year brought so far?
Broken & Damaged Love was my most successful book launch
The Oct-Dec royalties mounted up to just over £50, all of which was donated
to HAVOCA (who help adult survivors of child sex abuse find help).
The day I
paid the money over was a very proud day for me.
This same book is now raising funds for Wave 105's 1,000 Faces campaign.
The money will go to Cash for Kids, another very worthy charity.
The book is still (and always will be) 99p. So please go and download it from your country's Amazon site.
Amazon UK
This same book is now raising funds for Wave 105's 1,000 Faces campaign.
The money will go to Cash for Kids, another very worthy charity.
The book is still (and always will be) 99p. So please go and download it from your country's Amazon site.
Amazon UK
I’ve started to write my vampire romance, which is great fun
to do. I think you’ll like it.
All I’ll say for now is they’re not your normal
vampires, no they don’t sparkle in the light and no they’re not vegetarians.
Other than that, I seem to have lost myself in a swamp of
day job duties and book promotion.
This weekend is mercifully a lovely long bank holiday, so I
have time to recuperate and re-energise.
I promised myself to stay focussed on my goals this year,
which I have. But it’s now time to switch modes, I think.
So, I’m sat here rambling away to you all, like you care
about this dull minutiae of my life.
Oh, one
other thing I have been doing is reading Clarissa Harlowe. Wow, that’s a long
I really
didn’t know when I began that it’s claim to fame is that it’s the longest novel
ever written in the English language! Letter after letter between friends. So
much detail.
Yes, the
word minutiae above made me think of it.
I’ve actually taken a break so I can get back to reading
some other indie authors. But I will finish it.
I’m actually quite excited at the moment. There’s a
possibility I may actually travel to India later this year. Get me! Culture
vulture! ;-p
As I look
out of my window I can see a cold, grey, damp typical English Easter bank
holiday weekend.
But I also acknowledge that the rain is cleansing, and
without it the flowers won’t grow.
This and the tragic events around the world (not just in
Brussels) remind me to hold onto the light.
Yes, these
things can make my heart heavy, and I even get angry about it.
But darkness
cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that.
I know it’s
hard, but please shine your light brighter, and hold love in your hearts.
I speak to
myself as much as you when I say this. We all need reminding sometimes.
Right, that’s
probably enough of a jumbled catch-up mind vomit for you all.
Have a Happy
Easter/Ostara/Chocolate eating, fertility festival of your choice.
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© Ryan Pike | Dreamstime Stock Photos |
Always in love and light,