Wednesday 10 November 2021


Inevitable by Briar Prescott

Date read: 10th November 2021

My rating: 3.5*
Genre I reckon: M/M/M Polyamorous Romance incl. ace
Buy link: Amazon 

I think I wanted to like this book more. It was refreshing to see an ace (asexual) representation. And it's a really sweet love story. 

Each of the male love interests has issues, and all are explored. But Bas and Drew, although they have big blowout arguments, never really discuss their long history and release that tension; I longed for that apology and makeup. 

Ezra is super cocky when we first meet him, but we soon discover that's just a front. But what's behind it is maybe a little too fragile? I think I wanted to see him retain some of that cockiness. 

With one of the three being ace, it seems to subdue the passion of the other two. Their fiery first encounter isn't really regained. And maybe that's OK.

So, two young male professionals plus a college guy - it's a good mix. And I love the way they fit together. 
There's definitely a realism which is really good to read. 
It's well-written. I'm still recommending this book. But more as a 3.5* than a full 4*. 
If you're looking for a M/M/M Polyamorous Romance incl. ace book, this is definitely worth a read.

Always in love and light,

Tuesday 2 November 2021

REVIEW - LOOKING FOR IT - Look no further for your next read!

Looking for it (Three Player Co-Op) by Allyson Lindt

Date read: 2nd November 2021

My rating: 4*
Genre I reckon: M/M/F Polyamrous Romance
Buy link: Amazon 

Well, this cover is just a one-click one on its own! 

Polyamorous romance is fairly new to me. I've read a lot of m/m recently, but this one is m/m/f and even throws in a friends to lovers trope along with it. 

It's a fairly simple romance story with complicated logistics, at least unless costume designer, Sadie, can get over her dream of the perfect wedding dress and a 2.4 children life. 

It was a short read, and actually, I would've loved a bit longer to allow the emotions to develop. The two guys could've demonstrated their love and not just lust.
But I'm really not complaining. 

There's computer gamer action and some cosplay - all good fun. 

This is a short, fun read if you're just dipping your toe into this genre. 

Always in love and light,