I'm a Pantser, I can't and don't plot. Seeing others planning actually was a cause of anxiety before NaNoWriMo even began. Should I be doing something? I have a vague idea, maybe the first paragraph in my head. Is that enough?
Oh, NaNoWriMo is the National Novel Writing Month.
A whole load of crazy authors pledge to write 50,000 words in November.
Just in case you didn't know.
1st November arrived, and I just had to take the plunge. I dived straight in with the one little bit I already knew.
Where this story would take me after that was anyone's guess.
I immersed myself in the story as I wrote. I learnt a lot in a very short space of time. For instance, what florists do the other six days of the week. Turns out they're always busy. Who knew? 😉😁
It was all very pretty. I was enjoying the scenery and getting to know the characters. Aw, isn't writing wonderful? Happy place. lalala.
Then I disappeared into a plothole (*insert dramatic music here*).
I felt like Alice, falling down a dark place.
Where on Earth was I? What was happening?
And then I had some days of NOT writing!! Argh, I was behind my target. How would I ever catch up? Panic set in.
This is never going to happen. I'm too far behind. Already there's others who are finishing, but I'm way behind. All is lost. Abort, abort!
I started trying to fight my way to the surface, hurrying too quickly. I was in danger of getting the bends.
But then my lovely writing buddies rallied around.
"Just keep writing, just keep writing," they reminded me.
I'm great at giving this advice to others. Rubbish at actually following it myself.
I listened.
I read the useful tips on the NaNoWriMo site, and their emails.
Others were posting lovely memes about how to write, how plots should be formed etc.
OK, I did too, but you can't expect me to pay attention to my own posts. Really.
But with a bit of hand holding, I was able to push on. I relaxed, and allowed myself to just go with the flow.
I had a really good writing day. I woke up naturally (no alarm clock), and had the plot drifting through my mind as I was finally in that place between sleep and awake. I usually rely on this when I write, but it hadn't happened yet during this book. Hello, old friend. Thank you. I have a direction again.
Not wishing to lose my mojo, I stayed at home on the Saturday whilst my husband and his children went out and had fun without me 😭
But it was worth it. I was back on track. Just in time, as I then headed into the final week.
And then it happened. On Tuesday 29th November 2017, I hit the magic 50,000 word goal.
(*insert fanfares, confetti and much merriment*)
I emerged victorious!
I came, I saw, I conquered.
Oh the relief, the sheer sense of achievement. It was amazing.
Even I had to admit my own awesomeness (I don't do this very often).
I was a winner!
So, was it all worth it?
The sweat, the worry, the stress, the pressure, the difficult times?
Hell yeah!
It was a terrific motivator. I'm really glad I took part in my first ever NaNoWriMo.
And honestly, if you take part and don't reach 50k who cares?
It's more of a guideline anyway. 😉
As long as you have more words than when you started, you are a winner.
But every writer knows, this is only the beginning.
There is more story to go before I can proudly pronounce 'the end'.
Then there will be the (*drumroll*)... EDITING!!! 😱 (*scream*)
Congratulations to all writers who took part, or are just writing on their own.
You're doing a great job.
Keep telling your tails; see what I did there? 😉
Always with love and light,