Wednesday 16 October 2024


The Problem With Dead People by Saffron Amatti

Date read: 16th October 2024

My rating: 5*
Genre I reckon: Cosy Mystery Aided By Ghosts 
Buy link: Amazon 

This book had been on my radar far too long. The problem with this reader is their TBR is extensive!
However, I'm delighted I finally got around to reading it. 

I was seeking something different to read. And this was just the ticket. 

Set in 1920s England, about 10 years after the war, one gets immersed in that vivid world, still recovering from all that pain.

This book doesn't just contain one murder but several, owing to that it started life as 5 novellas. But I love how they're all in one book. You see, there is a trail of breadcrumbs being laid. 

Lucas Rathbone is a reporter for the local rag. Clara, his childhood friend and sweetheart, has moved to London, but comes running any time he needs her assistance. And they're just adorable together. He's all quiet and bumbly, and she's all 'grasp the nettle'. A raincloud/sunbeam relationship.

I thoroughly enjoyed following them around England, through the sleepy rural village to the seaside and even a jaunt into the city. Even if there were ghosts demanding assistance at every turn. And a nefarious group threatening them. 

The settings were all beautifully created, the people wonderfully portrayed and the plot was riveting. 
I will definitely be reading more in this series. 

A glorious cosy set of mysteries with a post-war backdrop. 
Think Miss Marple meets Ghost Whisperer, and you'll be in the right ballpark.

Always in love and light,

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