Saturday 5 October 2024

Fire Fox by Amanda Sloothaak

Date read: 5th October 2024

My rating: 4*
Genre I reckon: NA Nordic Fantasy 
Buy link: Amazon 

This is an awesome debut novel. A new adult fantasy (series) with a Nordic setting. 

The world-building is amazing. An ancient land filled with fires and snow. From the detail of the healers to the clothing and weaponry, everything is painted in wondrous colour. 

Dawn is in her late teens and is somewhat petulant. She has the 'world's against me' feels. But she is feisty and steadily learns how to put her fire to good use. 

I loved Ulf - the intriguing large wolf who is her friend. I'm sure there's a lot more to be discovered about him in the books to come.
Vidya is all kinds of mysterious. 
And Nilan is sweet but with his own secrets. 

There is plenty of danger as the Romanesque legion moves in. But then the lines get blurred between friend and foe, and a whole heap of trouble whirls around. And Dawn is left fighting for her life over and over. 

An action-packed novel for fantasy fans.

Always in love and light,

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