Saturday 28 December 2019

REVIEW - Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine - not great

Date read: 28th December 2019

My rating: 3*

Genre I reckon: Dark/Traumatised Romance

Buy link (for series): Amazon

A few people have compared this book to my own Self Love, so thought I'd better have a read. 
Yeah, they're not really alike. My Molly seems to have an easy time of things; her mother is just a bit over-critical. 

I had heard tell of Eleanor Oliphant being autistic and applauded this idea. However, she's not.
What Eleanor is is a deeply troubled, traumatised woman who has developed rather unhealthy coping mechanisms.
Childhood abuse (not sexual) of the highest degree has induced repressed memories. She has been rendered socially awkward and detached.

Miss Oliphant isn't terribly likeable. She's an isolated lady who very much keeps herself to herself. Her inner monologue is incredibly acerbic with regards to everyone in the world, including herself.
Yet I felt myself concerned over her wellbeing. I kept reading, hoping to leave her in a place of safety.

The book follows her path of healing. A few counselling sessions seem to do wonders for this incredibly traumatised person. Hmm...not terribly realistic! Seriously, she'd require YEARS of therapy. I'm not quite sure why she's not had more help already. I appreciate the system is often lacking but I'm fairly sure this girl would have had something.
The story doesn't end with her magically better; she pledges to continue counselling. However, despite this, she is doing remarkably well for someone who's just uncovered some horrific discoveries.

I did enjoy the other characters. Raymond and Sammy are a much-needed light relief.

Others have stated this is a funny book. Not really, no. The humour contained within, like the rest of the tale, is very dark.

The little head nods to Jane Eyre amused me. But by no means could the two books be compared.

I do enjoy dark books. And I liked the intention behind this novel.
It was oddly enjoyable.

I only review books I'd recommend to a friend on this blog.
Let me add this; I only recommend this particular book to those with a slightly macabre interest.

Always in love and light,

Should you wish to read a humorous novel where the character undergoes lighter life changes, then do think of Self Love, eh. 😉

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