Friday 22 May 2020

MY BOOK - Love Gaia - The Diary Directive

Let me tell you about my latest book...

Like all of my novels, this one looks at love in a different way.
Love Gaia - The Diary Directive, is a post-nuclear war, dystopian vs utopian, environmental romance.
That's a bit of a mouthful, huh?
Well, it's a book of two aspects. In the distant future we have Aroha. She and her classmates undertake lessons to learn the harsh lessons of their past in order to safeguard their future.

They study the diary left by one of their founders, Dr. Rachel Rose.
She was once an oncologist at the Alder Hey Hospital in Liverpool. That is, until government agents whisked her away to 'safety'.
Wrenched away from her family, she is forced into an underground city, The Bunker, in New Zealand. Life will never be the same again!

The authorities there, known as the GFA, tell them a meteor is about to strike and they've been brought there to protect the best humanity has to offer. But 'the best' is a subjective term. And the civilians heavily suspect there's no meteor at all, but in fact, World War III is taking place and it's nuclear.
But then, with the world's bee population wiped out, it was only a matter of time before the humans followed suit.
Is anything salvageable?

"Honesty, Respect, Fortitude" is the village motto and it's not without good reason.

And the little fella on the cover is the village symbol. He was specially created by the clever chap at Tattoo Tribes - below are the Maori symbols embedded within.

At the time of writing this blog post, Love Gaia is available for pre-order.
It's available for FREE in Kindle Unlimited and is also available in paperback online from Waterstones and Barnes & Noble.

Incidentally, this is launching during a global lockdown thanks to COVID-19.
Most of this book was written back in November before our own troubles began. And yet, there are eerie similarities. There's even mention of a survivor eating a bat (which is rumoured to be how COVID-19 began to spread)!!
Love Gaia is here to bring a message of hope though. To help people realise the potential of a better future.

Always in love and light,

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