Wednesday 21 August 2024

REVIEW - LETTERS - Heart-wrenching Healing

Letters by Michael Robert

Date read: 21st August 2024

My rating: 5*
Genre I reckon: M/M Healing Romance 
Buy link: Amazon 

Wow! This is a very special book (I read the combined duology), and I feel honoured to have read it. 

Full disclosure: I bought this months ago but had to wait for the right time in my own grief cycle before reading, as I did actually use this to help heal myself too. 

This book deep-dives into the grief process. It is heart-achingly poignant. The author takes you through the trauma of loss. BUT also, the beauty of healing. 

Perry was devastated at the loss of his husband, Jack. But he'd left Perry a letter just in case he went first. And that letter sent him on a road trip. Where he encounters some Divinely placed people with mystical talents. 

It is a voyage of finding oneself, really. Perry undergoes a transformation as he heals. And it really was beautiful to see. 

 And Lucas also undergoes grief and renewal as he faces his own challenges. 

The characters are all well-developed. The emotions are fully expressed - and there are joyful moments too. Very well-written. I sobbed at Jack's special bit (no spoilers). 

Jack is a wonderful, spiritual presence - maybe the overarching hero of this duology tbh; an incredibly special guy.

A lot gets explored; good families, bad ones, found family too. Work ethic. How to live well. Adversity. Homophobes. General gits. Overcoming so many obstacles. 

There is just so much love contained within these pages. 

Now, I just need to buy me a beach house!!

Always in love and light,

Friday 16 August 2024

BOUQUETS & BELONGING - REVIEW - Coming up roses (or sunflowers!)

Bouquets & Belonging by Duckie Mack

Date read: 16th August 2023

My rating: 4.55*
Genre I reckon: Sweet M/M Romance 
Buy link: Amazon 

So, I make no secret how much I love Duckie Mack books - I tell everyone who will listen. Because we all need sweet, adorkable yet steamy love <3 

As soon as this book was announced, I knew it was going straight on my TBR. 
I loved Marley in a previous Heartcraft Market book, and was excited to read his story. 
Each of this series can be read as a stand-alone btw. But the characters do cameo. 

Marley is a colourful extrovert, and I love that he tries to be a body positive larger guy. But he's also honest that when he sometimes gets wibbly about his image. 

But then we have Mr Serious, CMO guy in full business suit, Derek. 

It's a super meet-cute. But then a bit insta-love, if I'm being honest. 
However, as it's all so gorgeous, I'll allow it. I mean, Marley really takes no prisoners with his joie de vivre. 

Oh, and there's a kitten!! 

Just so much eep, and little bit ooh! 

Always in love and light, 

Sunday 4 August 2024

REVIEW - CROWN OF STONES 2 - stone the crows!

The Crown of Stones - Magic Scars (series book 2) by CL Schneider

Date read: 4th August 2023

My rating: 5*
Genre I reckon: Epic Adventure Fantasy 
Buy link: Amazon 

My goodness, this is DRAMATIC!! 

I read book 1 in 2022, but I've developed a sensitive disposition the last couple of years, so delayed reading this one until I felt ready. There are definitely plenty of triggers here; all sorts of compulsion and abuse. But then, this series is set in a war-torn land - one shouldn't expect fluffy fairy-tales when reading such an epic adventure.

And epic, it is. 
I was blown away by the descriptions. Ian Troy (and friends) has been through a LOT. And it's not getting any easier. I felt every pain and each moment of joy. 
The scenes I was transported to were varied and colourful - I could see and smell it all. And the characters all have such depth. You KNOW these people, all their good and bad points. 
Every swish of the blade and stab of the dagger is rendered in all their gory glory.

It's action-packed. Just as you think poor Troy can have a breather for five minutes to recover, he is catapulted into more drama. Every turn there is a new danger. And he's wrong-footed at every turn. I kept wanting to yell, "Don't trust (...)!". But then it's ever so difficult to know who is good, who's bad and whose side is anyone really on anyway? 

The frustrations, the compassion, the striving to do one's best, the battle of survival, the mourning (my own heart sank at the losses), the brief glimpses of small victories, the burden of responsibility...just incredible. 

So much is stacked against our hero. Can he ever defeat all his foes? And is peace in such a divided world even possible? I'm definitely going to read book 3 to find out (with my breath held and fingers crossed!).

Always in love and light,